Life updates & Summer Goals

Hello everyone!

As it's the summer I have wanted to get back into blogging a bit more though haven't really known where to start. After finishing Uni 3 weeks ago now I really thought I was time to upload my next post, so here I am with a little life update and summer goals!

Goodbye Newcastle!
Life Updates:

First of all I am recently single, which is hard considering the relationship lasted just over 2 and a half years. Not only did I loose my boyfriend, I lost my best friend. This has been the biggest change so far. However, 3 weeks in and I finally feel as if I can use this as an opportunity to 'find' myself and become a better and stronger person as a result! 

Already I've dedicated more time to my friends from home but also reconnecting with old friends who, through moving to Newcastle for Uni, I had lost contact with. I've been across to Mersea Island a few times which I've thoroughly enjoyed; it's just so relaxing there and a great place to unwind. 

I am lucky enough to have two holidays to look forward too this year! The first I leave for on Monday (eek!), which is 8 days away in Spain with Uni friends for Benicassim Festival! The festival is located between Barcelona and Valencia and is has artists such as The Weeknd, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Kasabian, Dua Lipa and Stormzy playing across the weekend...I'm very excited! The biggest challenge will be sleeping in a tent for a week in 30 degree heat...wish me luck!

My second holiday is my 2 week American/Canadian road trip with my family! I am super super excited for this! I've never been to neither America or Canada so this will be something a bit different. Hopefully I can blog along the way too!

Beautiful Mersea
Summer Goals:

  • Become more independent and carefree - I've had a few life changes recently and so I'm having to re-adjust a bit. I've got a few trips planned away with friends (Beni, London, Cambridge) and I'm hoping these will give me the chance to try and move on from things holding me back and regain my independence and care free attitude to life! 

  • Spend more time on myself - this year I have been pretty lucky in the fact that I keep getting letters saying I have money I never even knew I had. This is pretty good when all you want to do is go shopping and update your summer wardrobe! I have spent a lot more money on clothes and make up recently in an attempt to make more of an effort on an everyday basis; I always feel better when I do but it's always the thought! Of course, it's not just about spending more money on yourself, but allowing time to yourself is important too. So I've set myself exercise goals to reach and am trying to cut down the chocolate.

  • I also want to try and dedicate more time to my blog on here, although this is something I want to try and continue once I go back to Uni in October for my final year. I always enjoy blogging but never leave myself any time to sit down and write properly... this is something I'm working on! 

  • Finally, I want to excel at my job. I'm currently a social media marketer for a small local business. Although I love the job, working part time alongside my degree has meant it is hard to expand beyond my basic duties. Already this summer I've had to change to be a part of market research and attend expos/conferences in London which have been great experiences! I've also started writing tech based blogs for the business, my latest being for a competition - make sure you check it out, the link is below!

Liberty Smith: Designing for the future: The Evolution of App and Device Design for Augmented Reality:

As I final remark, I'm considering starting a YouTube account as well, let me know if I should!

Thanks for reading!


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