Room Tour // 2018 bedroom inspiration

Ok so this is a little different to what I would normally write about, but I have been soooo excited to share my new room (I say new, it was finished last April but I've been tweaking bits here and there ever since)!

I also just want to say that this wasn't supposed to be the next blog post I was planning on publishing; I was going to write about the 10 things I live by that help me get through stress or down days. I was also planning to write about my (very belated) new years resolutions. However, leaving Uni in a rush last week (taken some time out to come home after my deadlines wooo!) I left my notepad with all my blogging plans behind.... hence why I'm now blogging about my room because every time I come home I remember just how much I love it!

Below are a few pics for you. I've included where I got all my decor bits from below each pic!

Ok so I love this picture because I really think it catches everything I love about my room. I really wanted to create a relaxing, tropical vibe, so that every time I came home from the stresses of Uni I felt automatically revived. 

You can't see it in the photo, but the mirror is on the wall opposite to my window. Putting it here instantly brightens up my room as the light bounces straight back creating an airy and limitless space. My mum was actually going to get rid of this mirror (she had it in our dining room before), but I nabbed it before she had a chance because I loved it so much! 

These over-sized flowers are in the biggest vase you've ever seen. Both are from Dunelm (they have some really nice fake plants in there if you're looking for any), and I thought they really helped create this tropical vibe. I've lined the bottom of the vase with small fairly lights too to hide the bottom of the stems and to make it super relaxing at night. It sits on my desk alongside a rustic metal 'L' that also lights up, and my make-up brushes that are in a cute lil mug.

As you can see, I opted for a feature wall behind my bed. I fell in love with the colour instantly, and it creates a great contrast with the crisp white bedding (from Primark Home) and the rest of the walls, which are also white. 

I have 4 cushions on my bed, the small patterned one at the front is actually the reason why I opted to go for this tropical theme in my room; I just had to buy it so designed my room around it! Both this cushion, the tropical leaf one (which has a really cute cord trim), and the navy fur cushion are all from Primark Home. During the summer they had THE BEST home range, though I've been in since and they don't seem to stock as much now which is annoying. The 4th cushion was a gift from my Mum. My cheeky looking Chimp is Anderson, and he comes with me wherever I go (sad I know, butI have the strangest obsession with orangutans).

The wire hanging on the wall used to be black, though with a bit of spray paint managed to transform it into something that looks super chic against the blue wall. On it I keep one of my Dad's old records (he used to be in a band back in the day and I found this vinyl on Ebay for £2.50 lolol), and a black & white photo-booth pic with my Uni buddies. Cute.  

I really wanted to steer away from clutter, so I kept this shelf simple. This cute wooden heart I've had for ages. It's meant to hang, but I thought it looked nice just resting on it's side! The picture was taken in Spain when I went to Marbella with a few pals, and this gorgeous amber wood and rose candle is from Primark Home.

I am lucky that I live in the country, but even luckier that my window overlooks miles and miles of fields going down into the valley. I therefore wanted to keep my window sill fairly empty. This candle creates the most beautiful rainbow effect on my walls every time the sun comes out, which is why I just had to put it here! I also have a groovy wooden picture frame (also from Dunelm) with a dollar bill inside (leftover from my trip to the States over the summer) and a few rocks that I have collected on my travels (mainly from Iceland!)

Now to my beauty corner, wooo!! The golden hearts on my wardrobe doors used to be baby pink, but I used the same spray paint as on the wire hanging to give them a new life! Spray paint is my go-to product when decorating a room! There are also supposed to be three photo frames on the wall as well, but I was still in the process of choosing the third photo when I took these! The first is a frame from Debenhams and features another Marbella pic, the second is also from Debenhams and has a picture from my 2016 interrail trip. It's just a little cottage on the side of the tacks in the middle of the mountains. We weren't actually sure where we were at this point (due to lack of internet), so it could have been in either Austria, Italy, or Germany. The third one now sits below in a frame that I got from Next Home. I ended up choosing a gorgeous shot from outside a plane window that overlooks the wing as I was flying into Sweden (I think it was Sweden anyway!)

And finally, what I have on my beauty counter. These make-up organisers are super handy and I picked mine up really cheap at Primark. You can also get them from Amazon/Ebay, and stores like TKMaxx. Both the candle and the gold skull (which I love beyond words btw) are both from TKMaxx too. On my shelves I have a few Chanel bags from recent make-up purchases, and another fake plant from Dunelm. As much as I love having real flowers and plants in my room, while I'm at Uni they won't really get looked after. These are a good alternative. The wicker basket above is full of the rest of my lipsticks (I have an obsession), and the two vases either side were only £2 each from Primark!

And that is it! As you can see, there are so many good stores that have incredible homeware ranges so you can get a really good look for less. I am so happy with how it turned out, and I hope it might have given you a bit of room inspo if you're thinking of re-decorating anytime soon!

NEXT BLOG POST (Coming Soon): 'A very belated New Year's Resolutions and 2018 Goals'


  1. I love the view from your window! It seems like such a nice place to relax and read. I also like the colors that you choose, they compliment each other well. I feel that having a room that you enjoy can make working so much easier.

    Maya @


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